
Residential Development Environmental Services   

Acorn has worked with many residential developers and property owners over the years. Residential development has been a primary service area for Acorn.

Residential Development Environmental Permits

If you have a single lot or a 600 acre site proposed for residential development, consider Acorn as your environmental consultant. We will give you the independent opinion that you need to assess the potential environmental hurtles you will face on your site. We won't sugar coat the news if you have a hazardous site or if you will face insurmountable opposition to your plans. We can help advise you on potential alternatives that will work. If it is wetland permits, NPDES, Threatened or Endangered species studies, tree surveys, hydric soils, setback and buffer ordinances we can help. We have worked with many regulators in the City, County, Watershed District, DNR, BWSR and Corps of Engineers.

As a residential developer, you need an experienced advocate not a yes man, when it comes to environmental issues. Acorn Environmental has worked on hundreds of residential developments. Acorn Environmental has the experience to help advise you with environmental guidance specific for your residential development or lot split project through the environmental permitting problems you must resolve before your plans are approved by the city council. Acorn will work with your engineer, architect and surveyor to solve the environmental problems that appear on budget and quickly.

Environmental consulting for residential developers, land owners, real estate investors, and property managers.

We will work as your advocate on single family homes, townhomes, or mixed residential commercial sites in sustainable communities with green design development components.

Contact Acorn at the link below with your questions about the 2009 environmental rules and how your building permit application will effect your residential development timeline, click here to contact Acorn, send an email or schedule a meeting on the site.

Please provide:

  1. A description or property information number (PIN)
  2. Location of your site
  3. proposed size in acres or square feet

Helpful information (if necessary)

  1. Add a GIS or CAD drawing or GPS information and sketches of your concept plans.
  2. Include your cell phone number and a good time to call.

We will accommodate your schedule.

Acorn is a small business that will be flexible to your needs. Our office is centrally located in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul.

Acorn provides the same services on a site that's 600 acres or a lot split that's 10,000 square feet.


